Pre-school teachers to get an allowance | Daily News

Pre-school teachers to get an allowance

The Government has decided to pay an allowance of Rs.2,500 from June 1 to registered pre-school teachers, Cabinet approved the proposal.

The allowance will be given to 25,000 eligible preschool teachers as the first phase of "Guru Abhimani"

The Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor national policy framework has recognized the pre-school teachers as key players in human resource development and paid special attention to provide a permanent allowance following to a certain training given for preschool teachers.

Accordingly, it has been identified that it is suitable to increase the existing allowance of Rs.250/= up to Rs.2500/=

Accordingly the proposal was tabled by the Minister of Education, to increase the existing allowance of Rs.250/= up to Rs.2500/= for eligible preschool teachers under identified criteria as effect from 1st June, 2021.

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