Former MP Hirunika Premachandra has filed a Fundamental Rights petition in the Supreme Court seeking a declaration that the Presidential Pardon given to former MP Duminda Silva is unconstitutional.
In her petition, Hirunika Premachandra had named the Attorney General, Commissioner General of Prisons, the Minister of Justice and several others as respondents.
On July 24, a Presidential Pardon was given to Duminda Silva who was convicted for unlawful assembly and committing the murder of four persons including former MP Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra.
The Supreme Court five-judge-Bench unanimously decided to reject the appeal petitions filed by former MP Duminda Silva and two others challenging the conviction imposed by High Court Trial-at-Bar on September 8, 2016.
In her petition, former Colombo District Parliamentarian Hirunika Premachandra is also seeking a declaration that her Fundamental Rights guaranteed under Article 12(1) for equal protection of the law have been violated.
The petitioner said the decision to pardon Duminda Silva is unreasonable and undermines the authority of the Court since his conviction had been affirmed by a five-judge Bench of the Supreme Court.
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