KOICA funds Capacity Building Project for Construction Courses | Daily News

KOICA funds Capacity Building Project for Construction Courses

PMC experts during discussions on March 2 for the initiation of the project
PMC experts during discussions on March 2 for the initiation of the project

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) provided a grant worth US$ 4 million to the Department of Technical Education and Training (DTET) through the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations Ministry and the Education Ministry for capacity building of the construction courses in Technical Colleges and Colleges of Technology of Sri Lanka. The Record of Discussion between the Governments was signed on December 3, 2021.

The objective of the project is to improve youth employment through high-quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) that meets labour market demands in the construction sector of Sri Lanka. The scope of the project exemplifies five major components in capacity building including; Development of a Learning Manual, Capacity Building for TVET Trainers, On-the-Job (OJT) Promotion, Provision of Learning Equipment, and Rehabilitation of Workshops.

For the implementation of the project, KOICA associated with a Project Management Consultancy (PMC) team consisting of seven experts specialised in the field, from BuCheon University of Korea.

The team of PMC experts made their inaugural visit to Sri Lanka on March 2 for the initiation of the project. Commencing with an initial meeting at the Technical Education and Training (DTET) Department, the team visited and continued their investigations at Technical Colleges and Colleges of Technology in Matara, Rathmalana, Maradana, and Ratnapura.

The investigated results were presented and discussed on March 21by the team of experts at the wrap-up meeting hosted by the Secretary of the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations Ministry Deepa Liyanage. The meeting was graced by the presence of Deputy Country Director, KOICA Sri Lanka Office, Kim Yong Whan. Officials from the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations Ministry, Technical Education and Training Department, and KOICA Sri Lanka office also participated in the meeting.

The team presented their findings describing the existing scenarios, risks, and alternatives and the drafted future plan to be established, representing each component of the scope.

The Secretary of the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations Ministry discussed issues in On-the-Job training promotion in outer-Colombo areas of the country emphasising the need to establish a joint cooperation between the industry and colleges.

Moreover, the secretary requested improvements to cater to the aforesaid need by highlighting the requirements on the sides of students and tutors/lecturers. Providing exposure to updated technologies, developing the terms under course names, expanding the enrolment of students in construction courses, bridging students to workshops through infrastructural development, establishing industry-linked collaboration in technical colleges were highlighted by the secretary during the meeting.

The parties further discussed forthcoming plans following the initial investigation of the project. The corresponding projects of the parties were discussed to avoid duplicating the attempts. The meeting allowed the experts to fill in the gaps in their preliminary analysis and provided a platform to discuss the gaps in the tertiary education system in Sri Lanka with the respective Ministries. The mutual understanding between the parties would enable to have an efficient outcome at the end of the project.

KOICA will continue to dispatch the relevant experts in an agreed schedule for continuing the discussions and implementing the project in partnership with the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations Ministry, and Technical Education and Training Department.

KOICA contributes to the advancement of international cooperation through various projects that build friendly and collaborative relationships and mutual exchanges between Korea and developing countries and support the economic and social development in developing countries, under the mission of ‘Leave no one behind with People centered Peace and Prosperity.’


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