India has “created history again”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday as the country achieved a big milestone of administering two billion vaccine doses. Congratulating all Indians on crossing the “special figure”, PM Modi said that he is “proud of those who contributed to making India’s vaccination drive unparalleled in scale and speed”. He added that it has “strengthened the global fight against COVID-19”.
“India creates history again! Congrats to all Indians on crossing the special figure of 200 crore vaccine doses. Proud of those who contributed to making India’s vaccination drive unparalleled in scale and speed. This has strengthened the global fight against COVID-19,” wrote PM Modi on Twitter.
A year after the launch of the world's largest Covid-19 vaccination drive, India crossed the milestone of administering two billion vaccine doses on Sunday.
In a video address on Sunday, Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said: “India has set a new record by completing the target of 200 crore vaccinations in just 18 months. Heartiest congratulations to all the countrymen on this achievement”. On Saturday, the government had set up a digital clock that was ticking backward to determine the number of vaccination doses left to administer to reach the target.
India’s latest achievement comes as the government on Friday started a 75-day campaign for free booster shots at Government centres in order to encourage people and mark the 75 years of India’s Independence.
Meanwhile, Regional Director WHO South-East Asia Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh congratulated India for the big milestone.
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