Signing of a MoU between Health Ministry and Christian Medical College of Vellore, India
A programme for transplant of bone marrow was inaugurated in Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children in 2015 while the Christian Medical College of Vellore, India has assisted in training the staff required to perform this service. Initial infrastructure facilities required for bone marrow transplant have been initiated in Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children and the above medical college has given its concurrence to formally assist in the consultation and training fields to make this endeavour a success.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister of Health to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka and the Christian Medical College of Vellore, India.
Asian Foundation assistance for Community Mediation Boards Councils (Samatha Mandala) and Special Land Mediation Board (Samatha Mandala for Lands)
The Asian Foundation that has assisted the Mediation Board (Samatha Mandala) programme in Sri Lanka from the beginning has given concurrence for further financial assistance for continuous maintenance and strengthening of mediation activities related to Mediation Boards (Samatha Mandala) and special land Mediation Boards (Samatha Mandala for lands).
Accordingly, the Asian Foundation has agreed to grant approximately Rs. 127 million for the said purpose. The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the resolution furnished by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in order to obtain the said grant.
Land allocation for Ceylon College of Physicians
The Ceylon College of Physicians was incorporated as per the provisions of the act No. 26 of 1974 in order to promote education of medical practitioners in Sri Lanka.
The College has made a request to allocate a plot of land to establish and maintain a new office complex. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to the proposal made by the Minister of Tourism and Lands to transfer a plot of land in extent of 21.30 perches belong to the State and within the purview of the Divisional Secretariat Division of Thimbirigasyaya to the Ceylon College of Physicians by a free grant.
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