Vidyodaya literary awards presentation 2023 in September | Daily News

Vidyodaya literary awards presentation 2023 in September

Publications in 2022 accepted by the organizing committee till February 28:

The Vidyodaya literary awards presentation 2023 organized by the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of the Sri Jayewardenepura University will take place at the university on September 1. 2023 for the 13th year in succession.

Vidyodaya Literary Awards has been a landmark event in the history of Sri Lankan literary festivals by being the first and exclusive awards ceremony organised by a University to honour the best literary works of the year.

The best novel, short story, poetry, lyrics, column and academic publication in humanities and social sciences published during 2022 will be selected and awarded at this awards ceremony.

All such publications during the 2022 will be accepted by the organizing committee until February 28, 2022. Authors or Institutions which made such publications during the course of 2022 can submit them with two copies to the Reasearch Centre at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sri Jayawardenapura University, Nugegoda by hand or post.

More information can be obtained from Professor Ven. Panahaduwe Yassassi Thera on 0714-879654.

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