Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena informed the House yesterday (19) that the Criminal Investigation Department has started an investigation into the alleged threats made against two members of the Election Commission.
PM Gunawardena also said that police protection has been given to the two members of the Election Commission who were threatened, and he said that the Election Commission has the power to get the necessary protection.
Prime Minister Gunawardena stated so joining the parliamentary debate on the Bill to regulate election expenditure.
PM Gunawardena pointed out that there are several fundamental issues pertaining to holding an election at present. He pointed out that an SLFP candidate competing in the LG polls was murdered in Minuwangoda recently.
“There has been a public demand for this bill for some time. There was a request from those involved in the election campaign, various organizations, as well as political parties. Parliament appointed a select committee to amend the election laws. My good friend Prof. G.L. Peiris was also in that committee. There, the Election Commission came and demanded that clear rules be made to control the election expenses,” PM Gunawardena noted.
“This Bill was not presented suddenly. It was gazetted and presented to Parliament last month. Now the Leader of the Opposition or any other did not go to the Supreme Court citing these issues you are now raising. Few people including Prof.G.L. Peiris had submitted petitions about the election. But you all never went to the Supreme Court and petitioned or got any of your supporters to petition in the matters that you all are raising today.” PM Gunawardena pointed out.
PM Gunawardena said: “The draft was prepared and submitted by the Election Commission not by us. The Election Commission asked me to present this Bill as soon as possible whenever I had discussions with them.”
PM Gunawardena said it is the responsibility of the House to pass the Bill and the necessary amendment would be done by the subject minister.
PM Gunawardena noted, “Yesterday, two members of the Election Commission were threatened. The CID began a related investigation last night. Are you approving this kind of behaviour? We need to provide protection for all the election candidates.
An SLFP candidate was murdered and her house set on fire. We have provided police protection to both EC members whose lives were threatened. About 400 provincial representatives were attacked during the tense situation. As the Opposition, don’t disregard these issues.”
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