Unions must not sabotage President’s plan for State institutions - JSS | Daily News

Unions must not sabotage President’s plan for State institutions - JSS

The National Organiser of the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya (JSS) Suranga Naulage said that more profit can be earned through restructuring Government institutions.

He made this statement during a media briefing held by representatives of the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya, at Sirikotha United National Party Headquarters on Friday (31).

Naulage said that statements that we will not be granted a loan by the IMF and all such criticisms have been proved wrong. It is a great achievement for a bankrupt state to obtain such a loan. Trade unions often talk about corruption.

“Today, the request by mass organisations for a change is being brought about through introducing an anti-corruption bill. At the same time, a social security programme is being implemented to meet the requirements of the needy people. This programme has been launched by giving 10 kg of rice per month to 3 million families,” Naulage said.

Ports Authority Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya President Thushari Priyanga said people are condemning with disgust the actions of trade unions during this economic disaster we are facing. People asked for a system change during the immediate past. Everyone’s mindset should be changed. Trade Unions should not become terrorist organisations and work with a proper vision.

National Bank Employees Union’s Asela Fernando said: The regressive trade union movement in our country has become a serious problem. They are introducing privatization as a scapegoat at present and making meaningless criticisms regarding the open market system. The state economy should not be broken and the market opened up and state enterprises should be brought into the competitive market economy. If not, our country will become similar to North Korea.

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