The National Youth Services Council (NYSCO) and the Sri Lanka Vocational Training Authority(SLVTA) have set up eight (08) language training centres in both Kurunegala and Puttalam districts of the...
Over 14,000 rural tanks will be renovated this month, Irrigation Minister Chamal Rajapaksa said. The Mahaweli Development Ministry and the Special Task Force (STF) will...
The Examinations Department has made arrangements to call for applications for the Grade Five Scholarship, G.C.E.(O.L.) and (A.L.) Examinations using an online system from...
Special investigation teams from the Education Ministry along with Public Health Inspectors (PHI’s) will visit school canteens at the beginning of the new school term to...
Three grocery owners who were found guilty of selling expired and rotten food items to the consumers in the area were fined Rs.10,000 each and six-month rigorous imprisonment...