Rs. 500,000 fine for selling four eggs at Rs. 65 | Daily News

Rs. 500,000 fine for selling four eggs at Rs. 65

Balangoda Acting Magistrate A.M.S. Menike yesterday fined Rs 500,000 on a shop for selling four eggs at Rs 65 each.

The Rathnapura district Consumer Affairs Authority officials filed the case against the shop which is run by the Balangoda Multipurpose Co-operative Society.

CAA officials cited the court that this shop in question had sold eggs above stipulated price.The Authority cited that a Gazzette notification has been issued stipulating maximum selling price of a white egg at Rs.43.They informed the court that this trader had sold an egg at Rs.65 when they were purchased by the authority by deploying a decoy.The acting magistrate ordered the fine after the trader pleaded guilty to the offence.


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