Specialist doctors can work till 63 in public service | Daily News

Specialist doctors can work till 63 in public service

The Attorney General informed the Court of Appeal yesterday (27) that the Health Ministry has decided to extend the service

period of specialist doctors in public service up to the age of 63 years. Additional Solicitor General Nerin Pulle, who appeared on behalf of the Attorney General, informed this to court, when the writ petitions filed by 176 doctors against the decision taken by the Cabinet to make specialist doctors retire at 60 was taken up for hearing.

The petition was taken up for hearing before a bench of judges comprising of Court of Appeal President Justice Nishshanka Bandula Karunaratne and Justice M.A.R.Marikkar.

Additional Solicitor General Nerin Pulle, who appeared before the court on behalf of the Attorney General, stated that he had been informed by the Health Ministry Secretary that it has been decided to extend the service period of specialist doctors to 63 years.

He also mentioned that a Cabinet decision is to be made in this regard. He also said that they will make arrangements to submit this matter to the court by the 30th through a motion.

President’s Counsel Sanjeewa Jayawardena, who appeared for the petitioners, said that he appreciates the notification made by the Additional Solicitor General. However, he said that since there are specialist doctors who will be completing 60 years before June 30, the facts regarding this petition should be considered urgently.

President’s Counsel Romesh De Silva, who appeared for the petitioner, also expressed his appreciation regarding this decision.

The bench that considered the facts decided to hear further facts regarding the petitions today (28).

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