Police are on the look out to arrest a man who had threatened Kavin Jayasekara, son of MP Dayasiri Jayasekara, who had parked his car near the Grama Niladhari office on Layards Road, Bambalapitiya, with a knife and robbed him of a white gold chain worth Rs.163,000 on Monday (3).
Police have managed to identify the robber through security camera footage. Police said that while Jayasekera was talking with his girlfriend in the car, a person had approached the car and demanded money. When he had said that he did not have money to give, the person had grabbed a pointed knife hidden in his waist and extended it and first robbed him of Rs.3,000 which had been on the dashboard.Then he had tried to grab a bag from the car.
It is said that a white gold necklace which had been inside the bag was thrown out and the suspect grabbed it and ran away. Police suspect that this robber is a drug addict.
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