to pilot innovative agribusiness model | Daily News to pilot innovative agribusiness model

Nick Hobgood Chief of Party USAID Climate Adaptation Project Dr Lasantha Malavige Chairman and Managing Director Pvt Ltd Christopher Powers Director, Office of Economic Growth USAID Prasad Senadeera CEO, Lassana Agri Innovations Pvt Ltd Nihani Riza Project Management Specialist, Office of Economic Growth USAID.

Sri Lankan floral company (Pvt.) Ltd. will pilot an innovative agribusiness model with a three-pronged approach to reduce the cost of climate adaptation technologies and post-harvest losses in vegetable farming using a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). will use the $162,000 USAID grant to develop a model that will reduce the cost of polytunnels by introducing low-cost and sustainable bamboo. The company also will introduce an e-commerce mobile application enabling consumers to reach producers directly, which will ensure traceability and reduce post-harvest loss through better inventory control. Lastly, plans to establish a large cold storage facility at its Dambulla collection centre to benefit local farmer groups to preserve the quality of vegetables, which also reduces post-harvest losses.

This model will help to improve yields, increase income and provide better living standards. It will also help consumers with stable pricing and fresh quality vegetables in addition to traceability.

“Private sector engagement is essential to bridge the adaptation gap,” said Acting USAID Mission Director Debra Mosel. “By partnering with the private sector, USAID is leveraging its finances, technical know-how and ingenuity to help rural farmers improve their production and increase income through private sector-led innovative solutions to agricultural practices that reduce climate risks.

“The United States has been a strong and supportive partner of Sri Lanka for 75 years. Among other work, by promoting climate adaptation in the agriculture sector, USAID helps to ensure the country’s food security and contributes to sustainable economic growth,” she added.

The grant is through USAID’s Climate Change Adaptation Project, which helps to promote climate resilience through sustainable and inclusive market-based growth approaches in agriculture, fisheries, and tourism sectors.

“This partnership will give us the opportunity to work with the rural farmer community on sustainable, climate resilient, yet modern agriculture,” said Dr. Lasantha Malavige, Chief Executive Officer of Lassna, which specializes in floriculture, horticulture and e-commerce.

“Furthermore, we expect the project to scale up this innovative agribusiness model, which will help stabilize the extreme fluctuations in prices of vegetables and fruits throughout the year and reduce post-harvest losses,” added Dr Malavige.


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