Army Flags blessings ceremony | Daily News

Army Flags blessings ceremony

Army Commander Lt. Gen. Crishanthe de Silva participating in religious observances at the annual Army Flags blessings ceremony at the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhpaura yesterday. Members of the Maha Sangha headed by Ven Pallegama Sirinivasabhidaana Nayake Thera, Atamasthanadhipathi, Incumbent for eight sacred places of worship in Anuradhapuraare also participated. picture by Gayan Pushpika

The annual Army Flags blessings ceremony concluded yesterday with religious observances at the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapaura. Army Commander Lt.Gen. Crishanthe de Silva also participated.

Members of the Maha Sangha, headed by Ven Pallegama Sirinivasabhidaana Nayake Thera, Atamasthanadhipathi, Incumbent for eight sacred places of worship in Anuradhapura chanted Seth Pirith and invoked blessings on all Army Flags.

The event was held parallel to the 66th Army Anniversary and Army Day which falls on October 10.

Hundreds of Army personnel carrying flags lined up and brought all Army flags to the Udamaluwa for symbolic invocation of blessings.

The Army Flags, representing the Army Headquarters, the Volunteer Force Headquarters, all Security Force Headquarters, all Forward Maintenance Areas, Divisions, Task Forces, Area Headquarters, Sub-Area Headquarters, Brigades, Regiments, Units and Army Training Schools, were taken in the colourful procession around the Weli Maluwa.

The flags were then accepted by senior officers, and respectfully handed over to the Army Commander who placed the flags at the foot of the sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya. Members of the Maha Sangha performed religious rites and chanted Seth Pirith, invoked blessings on the Army and praised their contribution and dedication towards the motherland.