Jail, fine for Lankans with drugs in Doha | Daily News

Jail, fine for Lankans with drugs in Doha


 Two Sri Lankan men have been sentenced to three years in jail and fined QR200,000 each for selling and consuming illicit drugs.

Local Arabic daily Arrayah reported on Friday that a Doha criminal court also ordered the subsequent deportation of the two.

The issue was brought to the attention of the authorities when the first defendant offered to sell some marijuana to an undercover policeman.

The cop was instructed to go ahead with the transaction.

He agreed to meet the accused near Umm Ghuwailina area to buy a packet of marijuana for QR1,000.

The transaction was conducted under the surveillance of a hidden police patrol. A further search of the accused revealed more marijuana.

When interrogated, they denied selling the illicit drugs and claimed it was for personal use only. - Gulf Times

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