Colour code system for salt, fat level in food and beverages | Daily News

Colour code system for salt, fat level in food and beverages

A colour code system will be introduced within the next three months for salt level and fat level in all food and beverages.

A traffic light system for sugar contents in all beverages is now effective, Health Services Director General Dr. Palitha Mahipala said.

Addressing the media in Colombo yesterday, he said the colour code labeling system for sugar level in all beverages except milk based drinks is implemented and the public can select what level of sugar they consume with drinks. This system is to be applied for food items soon. Sugar and tea or coffee should be served separately according to the new law.

According to Dr. Mahipala, the same type of system is to be introduced for salt and fat levels in food and beverages in the next three months. The label should clearly indicate the relevant colour and the level of salt and fat in foods and beverages. At present,the public does not know how much salt and fat they consume with their food and beverages.

Dr. Mahipala pointed out that Non Communicable Diseases, especially diabetes is on the rise in Sri Lanka and one of the main factors for this situation is the excessive amount of sugar, salt and fat people consume knowingly and unknowingly. Although a person needs just 10 grams of sugar per day, a Sri Lankan consumes around 60 grams of sugar per day. The required amount of salt is five grams per day, but, on average, a Sri Lankan consumes around 12 grams of salt per day.

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