Army Chief pays glowing tribute to troops on Army Day | Daily News

Army Chief pays glowing tribute to troops on Army Day

The Sri Lanka Army marked its 67th anniversary and Army Day yesterday morning with a colourful parade at the Panagoda cantonment grounds.

Army Commander Lieutenant General Crishanthe de Silva inspects the Guard of Honour. Picture by Gayan Pushpika

A ceremonial parade and a special Guard of Honour was organised to welcome Army Commander Lieutenant General Crishanthe de Silva. Yesterday’s event was the climax of a series of commemorative ceremonies that got underway beginning the final week of September.

A minute’s silence was observed in memory of fallen War Heroes. After the military honours, the Commander accompanied by Major General Nandana Udawatte, Adjutant General and the Parade Commander, reviewed the parade, presented by representative troops of all 24 regiments of the organisation.

The Army Commander addressing the gathering paid a glowing tribute to the troops for their dedicated work.

“As the Commander of the Army, I am very proud to have witnessed the manner in which the Sri Lanka Army has evolved and the unyielding progress that has been made over the last 67 years. The true owners of this victorious journey; the past Commanders, all officers, other ranks, civil staff of the Army and their families are remembered with sincere admiration,” he added. De Silva said the high standards of selfless commitment and unparalleled bravery consistently displayed by the Army personnel are highly appreciated by all nations.

Past Commanders, retired senior officers and their spouses, principal staff officers, senior officers, spouses and other ranks also took part in the ceremony. Later, Lieutenant General de Silva together with Nayana de Silva and senior officers, visited the inmates at Ragama Ranaviru Sevana where a large group of differently-abled War Heroes are receiving therapeutic treatment and rehabilitation. 

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