Private hospitals also full for Dengue | Daily News

Private hospitals also full for Dengue

Private hospitals are also buckling under the burden of the ongoing dengue epidemic.The Durdans, Asiri Medical, and Nawaloka hospitals are struggling to admit dengue patients, due to the recent surge.

Durdans Hospital Colombo is full and no longer admitting new patients suffering from dengue, the Daily News learns.

The hospital is advising those who need treatment to visit the emergency room. Asiri Medical Hospital, according to inquiries made by the newspaper currently has extremely limited bed space and are only admitting the severely ill.

The Nawaloka Hospital Colombo is admitting patients, but the hospital lacks available beds and admitted patients reported waiting for hours to receive rooms.The Daily News learns that the room costs only at the Private Hospitals are over Rs.10,000 per night.

The Jayawardenapura and IDH hospitals have started admitting dengue patients again after halting admissions earlier this week.

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