Modern machines to root out invasive aquatic plants | Daily News

Modern machines to root out invasive aquatic plants

Five aquatic weed harvesters will be imported for the first time to remove invasive aquatic plants in reservoirs, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said.

The Minister has made the decision considering the extensive damage that invasive aquatic plants cause to the wetland system. Salvinia, Water Lettuce and Water Hyacinth are some of them.

The invasive plants badly affect freshwater fish, and agricultural practices since most of the reservoirs have no capacity to store sufficient water due to invasive plants in them.

“Many reservoirs and canals, mainly in the North Central Province, were destroyed with invasive aquatic plants.” the Minister said. “Water resources that people use for drinking water were also damaged,” he said.

Ministry officials were instructed to purchase five aquatic weed harvesters at a cost of Rs. 50 million, the Minister said.

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