LG launches innovative SmartThinQ lineup | Daily News

LG launches innovative SmartThinQ lineup

A range designed to transform your home into the “home of the future”, the LG SmartThinQ lineup will be launched by LG in Sri Lanka. Formally introduced at the LG InnoFest Roadshow 2018, the series will be LG’s first array of appliances and electronics to incorporate SmartThinQ, an artificial intelligence (AI) enabled platform.

The entire range will soon be available at Abans, LG’s sole authorized distributor for Sri Lanka, later on this year.

The LG SmartThinQ series will feature updated versions of LG’s most popular appliances and electronics including UHD and OLED TV sets, TWINWash, and InstaView Door-in-Door Refrigerators. Plus, LG plans on releasing new products under the SmartThinQ brand, namely the V30S ThinQ smartphone, 24-inch hi-tech dryer, and SKY10 sound bar home speakers. SmartThinQ is the latest innovation developed by LG. Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, this function offers a digital interconnection of various LG products, so that we can manage them using just the internet. Through SmartThinQ technology, you will be able to conveniently interact with various LG appliances and perform several errands such as decreasing the volume of your music, starting a laundry cycle, and so forth.

Consumers can choose between two options - the SmartThinQ App and a voice function compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

The SmartThinQ app, which can easily be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple App Store, is perfect for times when you are away from your home but need to conduct a household chore, monitor your appliances or diagnose minor technical issues. The voice command capability via Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa lets you execute tasks in the house using just your voice, without having to physically go to the device.

The Ultra HD (UHD) and OLED TVs will differ from the rest of the range by allowing you to speak directly into a SmartThinQ-enabled remote control that is equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP), a feature delivering intelligent voice-activated control and connectivity. This will enable you to browse through content, and obtain real-time information on news, cricket scores, TV shows, and more. You can even command the TV to switch off when a specific program has been concluded.

Abans and LG are all set to revolutionize how Sri Lankan consumers manage their day-to-day lives within their homes, and introduce technology that has never been seen before in the country. The LG SmartThinQ lineup will soon be launched at all Abans and Abans Elite Showrooms islandwide.


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