Utility pole falls on DS building following fire | Daily News

Utility pole falls on DS building following fire

A utility pole supporting high-voltage power lines collapsed on the roof of the Patha Hewaheta Divisional Secretariat (DS) yesterday, interrupting the electricity supply to the area.

The utility pole had collapsed after a fire broke out near it, at the edge of the Hewa Heta Central College located behind the Divisional Secretariat building.

Although the 33,000-volt power line collapsed on the roof, causing damages to the building, no one was injured as the Secretariat building as well as the college playground was empty.

Residents of the area, Thalathuoya Police, naval personnel in Mudunakade, Patha Hewa Heta Pradeshiya Sabah employees and Grama Seva officers doused the fire.

The cause of the fire has not yet been revealed. Investigations are continuing.

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