Wonders of Nelli | Daily News

Wonders of Nelli

In the previous article on Triphala we discussed the nature and the amazing health benefits of the three plants that constitute Triphala – Nelli, Bulu and Aralu. In today’s Green Thumbs we pay more attention to Nelli, a fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and offers a wide range of health benefits. Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Department of Dravyaguna Vignana, Senior Lecturer, Dr. S.D. Hapuarachchi points out that eating Nelli is excellent for the functioning of the circulatory system, digestive system and exocrine system.

The Nelli fruit is mentioned in an ancient Ayurvedic text – Caraka Samhita, a very important ancient book in Ayurveda. The Sanskrit name for Nelli is Amalaki.

The Nelli Fruit contains five of the six tastes recognized in Ayurveda. Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Pungent and Astringent. It is only missing the salty taste. Ayurveda identifies the six tastes as – Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Lavana (Salty), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), and Kashaya (Astringent). These tastes which are necessary for health and well-being, also balance the three Doshas. These are also the main tastes in plants. The dominant taste in Nelli is sour.

“Three Doshas are the three fundamental energies which govern the function of our bodies on the physical and emotional level. Each individual has a unique balance of all three of these energies. They are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfillment. The three Doshas are Vata, Kapha and Pitta. If you take Triphala, Aralu, Bulu and Nelli, they pacify the three Doshas. Aralu mainly pacifies Vata. Bulu mainly pacifies Kapha and Nelli mainly pacifies Pitta” said Hapuarachchi.

She went on to explain that Nelli gives a cooling effect to the body though it has a sour taste. If too much Nelli is consumed it will increase the ‘burning’ in the body. That is because the Amla (sour) taste contains Agni Maha Bhuta. We know that these six tastes are actually the five ‘Bhutas’ in different concentrations

(The five bhutas are are Akasa (ether), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jala (water) and Prithivi (earth). Everything in the world is created by these five elements.)

“Usually Nelli (within the dose) cools the Pitta Dosha. It pacifies the Pitta Dosha. But consuming too much Nelli causes the burning sensation in the body -it increases the Pitta. This is because the Amla (Sour) taste has Agni Maha Bhuta. The Agni Maha Bhuta is pre-dominant. So more Nelli consumption is consuming more sour taste and that will increase the Pitta Dosha. So if we are eating Nelli beyond the limit, it will increase the hotness in the body,” explained Hapuarachchi.

Nelli contains a higher concentration of Vitamin C than Citrus fruits. So it is a fruit that is very rich in Vitamin C. Hapuarachchi pointed out that the Vitamin C that is within the Nelli fruit is stabilized by the presence of Tannins. This helps Nelli to maintain its Vitamin content even through processing. She stated that it is one reason why eating the fruits as they are have their advantages rather than drinking the juice.

“It supports the digestion and it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is good for the heart’s condition and is good for the respiratory system. It rejuvenates all the tissues in the body. It is good for also maintaining cholesterol and gives you energy. It is good for stool elimination. It is good for maintenance of the blood sugar level. However if a person is taking anti-diabetic drugs then one must exercise caution when consuming Nelli. Because it may reduce the blood sugar level beyond the limit,” pointed out Hapuarachchi.

Hapuarachchi explained how Nelli can be prepared at home. “You can wash three to five fruits, cut it into small pieces after removing the seeds. Next put it into the water, keep it in the fridge the whole night, and then the next morning drink the Nelli Juice. If you are a healthy person then it is fine to drink Nelli juice, but if you are on anti-diabetic drugs then you need to be careful,” she cautioned.

When it comes to cuisine in many regions across the globe, Amla, the fruit is commonly pickled with salt, oil, and spices. The Amla fruit is eaten raw or cooked into various dishes. Amla can also be taken as a powder, a tablet, a liquid extract or jam.

Nelli and Rasakinda together are quite a popular elixir. Nelli Rasankinda is highly recommended for preserving one’s health. It is a combination that is good for treating burning sensations in the body and cooling the body. This little green fruit called Nelli is proof that good things can come in small packages! 

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