I did not fight the war from Colombo wearing a tie - Fonseka | Daily News

I did not fight the war from Colombo wearing a tie - Fonseka

UNP parliamentarian, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka yesterday pledged to fulfil to the letter the duty he would be assigned as the Defence Minister of the country. He was responding to the announcement by NDF presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa that he would appoint the Field Marshal as Defence Minister on coming to power.

The Field Marshal told Premadasa’s massive inaugural election rally, themed ‘Ekwa Idiriyata’, at Galle Face Green: “As the Army Commander I had pleaded that I be  allowed to end the war without leaving it for my successor and, I achieved it. Like that, today, I promise to fulfill the duty I am assigned to.”

“I did not fight the war from Colombo and, wearing a tie,” he added. “From the bottom of our hearts, we dedicate ourselves to protect the country’s security, the people’s security, territorial integrity, sovereignty and democracy,” Fonseka declared.

Since the previous government did not look after the war heroes properly, Fonseka said that under the next regime, the welfare of these soldiers will be enhanced and solutions would be provided to their grievances that have persisted for a long time.

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