If every lock has a key... | Daily News

If every lock has a key...

St. Joseph’s Girls School, Nugegoda
Head Girl St. Joseph’s Girls School, Nugegoda, Sathsarani Sandunika
Head Girl St. Joseph’s Girls School, Nugegoda, Sathsarani Sandunika

Head Girl St. Joseph’s Girls School, Nugegoda, Sathsarani Sandunika, believes that if you can enter society with a set of principles then the objective of education has been accomplished. Perfect Prefects features Sandunika, who believes attitude triumphs over circumstances.

Sandunika points out that one’s attitude towards life not only impacts his/her life but collectively impacts society in either a positive way or a negative way. This is why at a very early age the correct attitude needs to be inculcated in the child. This is the duty of the parents and also the school. Though making money is a necessity in society for one to live, she feels that for some people the very act of making money has changed their thinking and priorities turning them into individuals who care very little for doing what is ethical. Making money drives their attitudes. Money takes precedence. She points out that when it comes to attitude, ethics should be at the core. This starts at home and at school. The child that enters society as an adult needs to be instilled with proper values.

Extra-curricular activities

“Looking back at my journey that led me to become the Head Girl, I must say that what paved the way for me was the help I received from my teachers and parents. Also in addition to my studies I worked hard at my extra-curricular activities such as athletics, swimming, sports and guiding. So my success is because I balanced everything. Leaders are created by family and school,” said Sandunika.

She points out that when considering leadership, one's personality is important and also there needs to be a certain degree of charisma. He or she needs to have a strong personality. He or she needs to be bold and straightforward. He/she needs to be energetic and efficient. He/she needs to be able to voice his or her opinion when required.

“I think my mother’s influence has been the wind beneath my wings. She has provided me with a lot of help and she has always been there for me. She has been cheering me on in everything I have done,” stated Sandunika.

Some use the term ‘Global Village’ to describe the status of the world we are living in. As far as technology is concerned this may be true. Yet conflict abound. Everywhere you look countries are facing internal problems and factions are at war with each other. Terrorism prevails. Refugees cry out for mercy. Families are separated- children from their parents. The voices of the victims fall on deaf ears. Injustice is everywhere.

Different backgrounds

“Sri Lanka is a country that is increasingly diverse when it comes to cultural identities as well as being multi-religious. Yet as far as I can see there is little unity. There is little cohesion. But if you take my school, we place a lot of emphasis on living harmoniously with each other. It could be said that we are a microcosm of what society should be. In my school, there are children from different backgrounds yet we are united. If this can be accomplished at school level why can it not be the same in society?” questions Sandunika.

She points out that a person’s reputation and credibility mean a lot. Your reputation and image need to be protected.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said – ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character’. This universal statement by the great human rights activist is proof that one’s character is precious.

“My message to any young person who is about to leave school and step into society is to be well-disciplined and above all be exemplary in conduct. You should at all times be mindful of the fact that you should not tarnish your reputation and image and also that of your family and school. Study diligently and try and excel in sports and other activities while showing the proper respect to everyone around you. If you can enter society with a set of principles then you have done well,” added Sandunika.

Pressure comes to everyone. You cannot escape it. For Sandunika this understanding has helped her deal with it. Sometimes we make a mountain out of a molehill. The pressure is something you do to yourself.

Inevitable pressure

“I think when facing pressure you have to realize that pressure is inevitable when you work in society. This is not just for you and me but for everyone. So I don’t blow things out of proportion. I try assessing the situation and take action as I see fit,” said Sandunika.

We are not victims of circumstances. We are not completely at the mercy of external forces. We can change our lives. We can change our lives no matter how daunting the challenges are. There is a solution to every problem. Every lock has a key.

“I do love my school. My family has strong connections with this school. It has given me so much forming my personality and where I am today is because of my school. I strongly believe that the quality of a student’s school life directly has a bearing on the quality of the student that goes out into society. The quality of teachers and the education received will directly affect the child’s mindset. Again attitudes are formed by teachers. However, this is not to say the child is completely at the mercy of circumstances. He/she has the will to turn his/her life around and succeed in life. Ultimately you are the master of your fate. You have the will power,” said Sandunika. 

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