More of Ranjan’s audio dramas soon | Daily News

More of Ranjan’s audio dramas soon

“A controversial film of Ranjan Ramanayake is in the making now. The new film, Ranjan Ramanayake’s Handa Pata (Audio Recordings) including many others will be completed before long,” Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) Kalutara MP Piyal Nisantha de Silva said.

He was addressing a press briefing in Aluthgama recently.

“A series of Ranjan’s films are now showing on TV. The first is Shani Abeysekera’s Hora Police. The second is One Shot Misfire. The lead roles of this film include Ranjan Ramanayake and Ranil Wickremesinghe. Then Kukku Baba with Hirunika and Ranjan Ramanayake,” he said.

He said that with the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, independent institutions were appointed. “They said they formed the independent commissions. But now it is clear what has happened through those independent commissions. Now they have bended the law to the extreme. Some state officials have brought disrepute to the entire state service. Ranil and the entire Yahapalanaya government must be blamed for this shame, he said.

“We thank Ranjan Ramanayake for what he had told earlier because those have been proven true now. We thank him because he made the previous government naked. Now the United National Party (UNP) have been striped,” he said.

He asked how the UNP members go to the public for asking their votes. “They will never trust them now,” he said.

“Recently I happened to meet three former Cabinet Ministers in Parliament. They said they cannot go to their villages now because of Ranjan’s scandalous behaviour. Today the law of the country has been disregarded. I believe that this series of Ranjan’s films will finish before long. Everyone expects that this will never repeat,” he said.

He said Ranjan should not be in parliament but in the Mulleriyawa Mental Hospital. He has to be given treatment very fast. I urge UNP stakeholders to take fast steps in this regard.

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