Four major clubs to pull out of WPRFU membership | Daily News

Four major clubs to pull out of WPRFU membership

Four major premier league ‘A’ division rugby playing clubs are planning to discontinue their membership from Western Province Rugby Football Union (WPRFU).

Rugby sources told the ‘Daily News’: “We have already sent the official letters to the secretary-general of the WPRFU regarding the cancellation of our membership from the WPRFU.”

The source further stated: “WPRFU has done nothing for the development of rugby in Sri Lanka since 1992 from our affiliation to Sri Lanka Rugby. The provincial system was introduced in 1992 for the development of rugby but only a few were getting personal benefits out of it. Whatever development should benefit the entire rugby clubs not a few who are not even playing in the ‘A’ division.”

“Having membership from the WPRFU without any development at club level rugby is not useful for the future,” he added.

Sri Lanka Rugby is scheduled to conduct a special general meeting on June 20 to make constitution amendments to permit current ‘A’ division clubs to get full membership and voting rights with Sri Lanka Rugby.

Lasitha Gunaratne president of Sri Lanka Rugby stated, the provincial system was introduced in 1992 to develop rugby in Sri Lanka. “Then gentlemen clubs agreed to come under the provincial system and they were directly involved with SLR. But I personally believe, the system has failed and only a few have benefited,” said Gunaratne. 

He further said that six provinces apart from Western were in favour of the new amendment and according to the new system they will not remove the provincial unions. 

“According to the new amendments the top ‘A’ division clubs will get one vote each the same as clubs in the ‘B’, ‘C’ and Women’s who will also have one vote each respectively,” Gunaratne said.  

“The ‘A’ division clubs are the main pipeline for national players and our main sponsors are sponsoring the league tournaments and national team. These league teams are the main contributors,” he said.

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