Jayasekera’s verdict to be challenged in CA | Daily News

Jayasekera’s verdict to be challenged in CA

An appeal will be filed before the Court of Appeal tomorrow (4) challenging the Ratnapura High Court’s judgement against the three accused including former Deputy Minister and SLPP candidate Premalal Jayasekara who was sentenced to death.

Speaking at a press conference which was held at the residence of SLPP candidate Ranjith Bandara, Attorney T.M.Janaka Sumedha said they will file an appeal in the Court of Appeal and he will be filing a bail application on Jayasekara’s behalf.

Responding to a question raised by a journalist whether Jayasekara can take oaths as a MP, attorney Sumedha said the Parliamentary Act has not mentioned clauses regarding that and after filing the appeal, Jayasekara becomes a normal prisoner.

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