Medicinal Drugs home delivery for patients of Govt. Hospitals | Daily News

Medicinal Drugs home delivery for patients of Govt. Hospitals

The Government is making arrangements to home deliver the medicinal drugs from Tuesday, Director General of Health Services (Acting) Dr. S. Sridharan said in a press statement.

“This process will be commenced from Gampaha and Colombo Districts and expanded Island-wide. Patients are advised to visit the emergency treatment units of the closest hospital, at any time if they experience warning signs of the disease. Therefore, the Health Ministry advises the public not to panic at this moment and request fullest support to combat the current COVID-19 situation.

“The Health Ministry recommends patients with chronic diseases and elderly not to attend hospital clinics until further notice. Patients with chronic diseases and elderly are at a higher risk of getting COVIDI9 due to the congestion at clinic setups,” he said.  

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