"SLPP will continue in power beyond 2025" | Daily News

"SLPP will continue in power beyond 2025"

Plantations Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana said the Sri Lanka Pudujana Peramuna (SLPP) will rule the country not only till 2025 but also beyond 2025.

“Trade unionists took the lead to overthrow the Yahapalana Government and bring the SLPP Government to power under the leadership of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He is a classic leader who carries forward the policies and ideals of the SLPP, which originated under the leadership of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and SLPP National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa,” the Minister told a SLPP trade union conference in Galle recently.

“The SLPP will develop the country and lead the progressive movement. The Government will remain in power until 2025 and the SLPP will definitely rule this country even after 2025. People’s problems may not have been solved. So, let’s go on that journey together. The people will eventually reap the benefits of that journey. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa became the Head of State on the promise of defending Sri Lanka and protecting the four corners of the country,” he said.