Several services declared as Essential Services | Daily News

Several services declared as Essential Services

An Extraordinary gazette notification has been issued declaring Ports, Petroleum, Public transportation, State Banks, all Divisional Secretariat offices Grama Seva officers and Field officers as essential services, considering the current Covid-19 situation in the country.



Several Essential Services Gazetted

Port, Fuel, Transport, State Banks listed:

District, Divisional Secretariats, all field officers included:

Nuwan Kodikara

A special Gazette Notification has been issued by the Secretary to the President, Dr. P.B. Jayasundera yesterday (27) on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s instructions naming Port, Fuel, Public Transport, Central Bank, State Banking institutions and Grama Niladharis as Essential Services in view of the current situation.

This has been done to ensure that essential services are provided to the public continuously without any disruption during the pandemic and also during the travel restrictions. It also focuses on the COVID-19 Prevention Health Guidelines and the services rendered by the Health workers and Security Forces to control the COVID-19 pandemic including quarantine measures.

Accordingly, the Ports Authority, Fuel Supply and Distribution, Customs, Railway Department, Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB), services offered by all District Secretariats, Divisional Secretariats and Local Government Institutions, the Central Bank, State Banks and Insurance services have been placed under the category of Essential Services.

It covers all field level officers including Grama Niladharis, Samurdhi Development Officers and Agricultural Research Officers.

The Presidential Secretariat says the Government has taken this step to provide a maximum service to the people in the face of the current Coronavirus pandemic.


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