Country in peril, travel restrictions needed - PHIs | Daily News

Country in peril, travel restrictions needed - PHIs

The country was in huge danger of collapsing into a deep economic abyss if strict travel restrictions were not imposed throughout the country, Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors’ (PHI) Association, President Upul Rohana said.

Rohana told the media that the country is now at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and this situation seems to be getting worse. “It is sad to say, however, that there does not appear to be a reduction in the number of deaths or the number of infections that occur on a daily basis. We have pointed out this situation in the past. But today we have to experience the consequences of not paying proper attention by the authorities,”he said. He said the first thing to do at this time is to impose strict travel restrictions within the country. At the same time, public access to public places should be restricted. It should also be said that more care should be taken in calling back to work of the employees for government and private institutions.

The other unfortunate situation is the inconsistency in the statistics presented on the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths. If true statistics are made available to the public, then people will have some fear of the disease and will act more responsibly. Therefore, what should be done at this time is not to hide the truth but to show the truth to the people, he added.

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