Power cuts to continue despite rains | Daily News

Power cuts to continue despite rains

Power cuts are still being imposed, but limited to around two hours per day despite the heavy rains experienced in the catchment areas.

Currently, according to the CEB data, around 47.39 percent of power generation is through hydro power. Thermal power contributes 43.10 percent, solar 0.65 percent, wind 08.65 percent and biomass 0.22 percent. The capacity of the main reservoirs has increased 61.1% due to the heavy rains experienced in the catchment areas. Currently, the water level in Kotmale has risen by 53.3%, Victoria by 48.6%, Randenigala by 63.6%, Rantambe by 30.5%, Bowatenna by 45.4% and Moragahakanda by 71.1%. Meanwhile, the water level in Castlereagh rose to 71.4%, Maussakelle to 79.1%, Samanalawewa to 63.6% and Uda Walawe to 91.9%.




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