Parliament | Daily News


40,000 public servants will be provided IT knowledge next year – Herath

Technology State Minister Kanaka Herath said in Parliament yesterday (13) that a programme has been implemented to provide Information Technology (IT) knowledge to 40,000 public servants next year.

The State Minister was responding to MP Yadamini Gunawardena regarding IT literacy in Sri Lanka.

He said that all public servants will be trained in using IT in the future and the Government aims to train at least 100,000 public servants in the next two years in this regard.

The State Minister also said that the Education Ministry is already creating a Digital Transformation Policy. He said that from next year, the IT subject will be included in the syllabus for the general level examination and the subject of Artificial Intelligence will be introduced.

“The Government has implemented many programmes to acquaint youth who have left school with IT. It is also underway in 1,000 schools,” he said.

“In the last few years, the IT knowledge has progressed. We will double it in the future.’’ the State Minister said.


National Programme needed to uplift IT, Finance, Langauge and Mobile apps literacy – Yadamini

Parliamentarian Yadamini Gunawardena yesterday asked the reason for not forming a national programme in collaboration with entrepreneurs and other organizations in the computer field to set up a grassroots level programme to promote IT, finance, languages and mobile apps usage literacy.

Taking the Avissawella Constituency of the Colombo District as an example, he said that of 23,000 schoolchildren in two Divisional Secretariat Divisions, only 1,000 children have facilities to learn IT. He also said that there are only 40 IT teachers in this area and that the national statistics of the field relevant to this area are erroneous.

The MP asked the Technology Ministry to implement a national programme together along with computer enterprises to increase the 34.3 per cent computer literacy to 50 per cent next year.

“The Sabaragamuwa Province has won an award representing the country in the IT field. It has not been enough publicity. Why adequate steps were not taken to promote literacy in the field by using these applications and mobile apps so far? Why has not a national programme been planned in this regard yet?” he asked.


Opposition Leader wasting time of House – Prasanna

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa is wasting the time of the House raising unnecessary questions under the 27/2 Standing Order, Chief Government Whip Prasanna Ranatunga said in Parliament yesterday.

Miinster Ranatunga said that Parliament’s time is wasted due to the unnecessary questions that the Opposition Leader asks under 27/2 Standing Order every day. He said that therefore, the time allotted to answer the oral questions is getting limited.

“The Opposition Leader talks about unnecessary things for hours under 27/2 every day. So time is wasted. It took more than an hour today in this regard. I agree that Ministers must be present in the House to answer the questions. However, the MPs who asked questions are not present here either. If the Minister is not there, I will come forward to answer on his behalf. It is legal to do so,” Chief Government Whip Prasanna Ranatunga said.

“If we cannot ask questions on behalf of the people, what is the use of this assembly? This is not your subject, you don’t understand it. That is why the subject minister should be here. You are finding faults with the Opposition Leader instead,” responding to Ranatunga, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Ajith Mannapperuma said,

“We are here waiting for the answers to our question without knowing when they would be given. We feel bad for the Chief Government Whip. He keeps reading answers with a whole pile of files in front of him. We never asked 50 odd questions, but only three or four. We need to discuss this matter in the next party leaders’ meeting. It is better to have short questions and brief answers,” MP Dayasiri Jayasekara said.

“It is the Opposition that requested a session specifically for oral questions. We too would find it convenient to answer these questions during usual parliamentary sittings. We too agree with MP Jayasekara’s proposal,” Minister Ranatunga said.


Academic Freedom should be assured – Dr Gunawardena

Mass Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardena said in Parliament yesterday that it should work together to create an environment where there is academic freedom and where harassment and violence are in zero level at universities.

He also said that the common law of the country should be the law for the universities as well.

He told Parliament that the Cabinet had a lengthy discussion over the attack on former Vice Chancellor of the Peradeniya University Prof. Athula Senaratne and his son.

The Minister said President Ranil Wickremesinghe told the Cabinet that he had called for an impartial investigation into the incident and submit a report.

The killing of Prof. Stanley Wijesundara in the Colombo University during the last terror season is also a similar incident.

He said that university professors as well as everyone should have room to work without fear and doubt, and Parliament should work to create academic freedom.

He also said that the Cabinet on Monday (12) approved a proposal to appoint a Presidential Task Force (PTF) to prevent the widespread use of dangerous drugs including ICE among university and schoolchildren.

The Samagi Jana Balawega (SJB) also strongly condemned this incident saying that there should be a peaceful situation in the universities.

Opposition Main Organizer MP Lakshman Kiriella said that the SJB strongly condemns the attack.

MP Anura Priyadarshana Yapa said that reformist actions should be taken in this regard. “There is no such situation in any university in the world,” he said.

MP Samanpriya Herath said that there have been many such incidents. “This situation should be dealt with strictly. Parliament has a serious responsibility in this regard. If things like this happen regularly, it is a matter of regret. We should find the places where such incidents happen and take necessary measures against them,” he said.

Chief Government Whip Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said that the law will be implemented to the letter in this regard.

“This is condemned by all parties in Parliament today. But some people are making accusations saying that they are arresting the students. This situation has gradually developed and today it has become a situation where doctors and professors are being harassed. If it goes like this, this university system will collapse,” he said.


President’s aim to make country self-sufficient – Semasinghe

Finance State Minister Shehan Semasinghe said in Parliament yesterday (13) that the President’s aim is to stabilise the economy and make the country self-sufficient.

The State Minister also said that even though the Opposition Leader was proposed to take over the Premiership, he did not accept it and therefore, the Opposition even now must support the Government to stabilise the country.

He was responding to Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa under Standing Order 27 (2).

“I will not make this a debate. We do not accept what the Opposition Leader says. There is a weak economy in the country. We need to take steps to stabilise it. Thereafter, the people can appoint the rulers they need. The Opposition Leader was asked to take over the Premiership. But he did not accept it. What needs to be done now is to restore the economy. Without doing so, no party can go to the polls. The people want is not a vote. What they want is to stablise the economy,” he said.

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa said that the word ‘economic recovery’ needs to be clarified. “They said that I did not accept the Premiership as the Opposition Leader. I did not accept it because I cannot take the oath in this regard in front of an illegitimate President,” Premadasa said.

He also said that the best answer to these problems is to hold an election. “If you have faith in the people’s sovereignty, go for elections,” he said.

Finance State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said that what the Opposition Leader asked is very important. “Organizational restructuring is very important. Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera also asked about the Telecom and the Sri Lanka Electricity Board. I gave a long detailed answer on December 8. I request the Opposition Leader to refer to it. State Minister Shehan Semasinghe also provided a long answer in this regard.

State Minister Semasinghe said that it is very important to set aside a parliamentary day for the people’s representatives to get answers to the issues of their area and other issues related to the country. “I also suggest that a day like this be set aside completely for the Opposition Leader for him to ask questions he has under 27 (2). Then he would only talk about the relevant issues,” he said.


House condemns attack on Prof. Atula Senaratne

The House expressed concern and displeasure regarding the incident where former Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya Prof. Atula Senaratne was assaulted by a group of university students recently.

Several Government and Opposition MPs raised concerns over the matter and demanded justice. Transport and Highways, and Mass Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardena said that a lengthy discussion was held in the Cabinet regarding the attack on the Vice-Chancellor of Peradeniya University and his child and damage to the house.

“The President said that he has informed to conduct an impartial investigation and submit a report. This is not the first case in the history of such assaults. Prof. Stanley Wijesundara of Colombo University was killed in the past. It is a problem if university professors cannot operate without fear and doubt. The common law of the country should become the law of the universities as well. There cannot be two laws. Let’s work together regardless of political affiliations to create an environment where academic freedom is protected. A resolution was also adopted to appoint a special presidential task force to prevent the spread of drugs in universities and schools,” the Minister said.

Chief Opposition Whip MP Lakshman Kiriella said that Samagi Jana Balavega (SJB) strongly condemns the incident. “Students should have a peaceful atmosphere to study in universities. The University of Peradeniya was started to develop the Oxford-Cambridge system. But those goals have not been achieved. The incident is strongly condemned,” he said.

Chief Government Whip Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said that law should be implemented against those who have instigated violence in the university. “We all condemn this incident. Law should be applied fairly against anybody involved in this incident. When the law is going to be implemented, some political parties oppose it. Professors were among those who instigated burning up houses. Some openly supported. Innocent children are afraid to go to university today. Many institutions are afraid to employ graduates from government universities. They take students from private universities instead. A report should be submitted to Parliament regarding this incident. Children have been fed drugs and their minds have been distorted,” he said.

Independent MP Prof. Charita Herath said that the attack on Peradeniya University Prof. Atula Senaratne is a serious matter. “The education sector is heading towards a serious crisis. Such things have never happened in history. The Education Minister should make a special statement regarding this incident. We should make sure that such things do not happen in universities in the future,” he said.


Final decision on SLT restructuring yet to be made – Shehan

The final decision on restructuring Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) will be made after considering the Finance Ministry’s report on restructuring State institutes, Finance State Minister Shehan Semasinghe informed the House yesterday responding to Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa. “The report is yet to be submitted,” the State Minister said.

The State Minister also said that country’s national security will not be put in danger while restructuring these crucial State institutes.

“A special unit has been appointed to study the restructuring of State institutions. This unit will look into how each institution should be restructured. The final decision on restructuring SLT will be made after the report is submitted,” Semasinghe said.


‘Former President Maithripala cannot walk away from responsibility of Easter Sunday Attack’

Former President Maithripala Sirisena cannot walk away from the responsibility of the Easter Sunday carnage, Defence State Minister Pramitha Bandara Tennakoon said yesterday (13) in Parliament.

State Minister Tennakoon was responding to Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Thushara Indunil.

“When the Easter Sunday attacks took place, it was President Maithripala Sirisena, who held the portfolios of Defence, Police, Commander in Chief. We never thought that he could evade the responsibility of the incident. In future, I will provide information regarding this matter in detail,” State Minister Tennakoon said.


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