Aditha Dissanayake | Daily News

Aditha Dissanayake

  • If Geoffrey Chaucer lived today and wrote ‘The Canterbury Tales’ on his smartphone how would he have written, “Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote...?” No doubt with...
  • “Lovobserved thaobserved observed that thatthat observed that thatthatobserved observed that thatthat thatt thate is so short, forgetting is so long”, wrote Chilean poet...
  • Captain Elmo Jayawardena’s recent essay, ‘Changing Places with Jonathan’ based on the seagull of long ago, and his confession, “Yes, Richard Bach created the unforgettable...
  • One would think there are more pressing issues to ponder right now, than the fate of well known children’s author, Enid Blyton. But the keyword here is Distraction. What...
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