Kapila Somaratne Panadura Group Correspondent | Daily News

Kapila Somaratne Panadura Group Correspondent

  • Kalutara residents who face an acute water shortage especially during the drought period have appealed to the Government and Water Supply Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara to...
  • The Payagala Police were conducting investigations to arrest the owner of the parcel containing Cocaine valued about Rs one million, which had washed ashore at the Gibson...
  • All Buddhist temples in the Kalutara District will hold bodhi poojas to invoke blessings on the country, the Government, its citizens and Army personnel who sacrificed their...
  • Panadura South Police searched a ‘safe house’, opposite Panadura Megettuwatte Gunananda Memorial Hall, along G. S. Fernando Road which belongs to the Sri Lanka Hashimi...
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