Rajpal Abeynayake | Daily News

Rajpal Abeynayake

  • A photo journalist in a war zone.
    War-porn is sick. Of course war is sick but even considering certain justifications given for war at face value, romanticizing war is an entirely different matter.The Ukraine...
  • Colombia’s FARC rebels.
    Colombian Government officials fiercely deny that there were FARC or other terrorist organisations recruiting children in Colombia, particularly close to the Amazon forest...
  • Protesters holding European Union and Greek flags near the Parliament in Athens, Greece.
    Can a people as a whole go silent? Can they go mute? Not really. But people can become contemplative. They can seek to consolidate hither and dither, after the devastating...
  • The Buddha’s teaching is based on the spirit of tolerance, compassion and rejection of ignorance or delusion.
    If the Buddha was a pacifist, shouldn’t the defenders of the faith be pacifist? The Buddha was clear that hatred does not cease by hatred but through love and compassion.This...
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