Bachelet delivers watered down statement on Sri Lanka | Daily News

Bachelet delivers watered down statement on Sri Lanka

United Nations Human Rights Council Commissioner Michelle Bachelet delivered a watered down statement on Sri Lanka merely calling on the Council to ‘give renewed attention to Sri Lanka.”

In her statement to the 45th session of the Human Rights Council which was held this week, Bachelet merely referred to the commitments made by the government in Sri Lanka adding that the council give renewed attention to Sri Lanka in view of the need to prevent threats to peace, reconciliation and sustainable development.’ Unlike in the past, the chief stopped short of calling for international investigations hinting that the council may move forward with a watered down engagement with Sri Lanka.

In a similar development, the UK’s International Ambassador for Human Rights, Rita French, delivering a statement on behalf of Canada, Germany, North Macedonia, Montenegro and the UK, the Core Group on Sri Lanka expressed its strong solidarity with Sri Lanka’s civil society, and human rights defenders, and called on the government to take all steps necessary to allow them to operate freely.

The Core Group also appreciated Sri Lanka’s continued commitment to fostering reconciliation, justice and peaceful coexistence among Sri Lanka’s diverse communities.

Next March, the Council was to consider a report by the High Commissioner, on human rights, reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka on the steps taken to implement resolution 30/1. However the Government of Sri Lanka has been clear to this Council that it no longer supports resolution 30/1. The Core Group also paid tribute to the people of Sri Lanka and to all those involved in delivering safe and peaceful Parliamentary elections, despite the challenges of Covid-19.