Star tortoise racket busted | Daily News

Star tortoise racket busted

Seized star tortoises.
Seized star tortoises.

Hundred star tortoises in packages to be exported illegally have been seized by Pallama police yesterday (21). Three suspects were also arrested, police said.

Twenty six matured tortoises, 40 half grown and 34 small ones were seized from a house in Medawakkulama in the Pallama Police Division. The tortoises in packs were to be sold to a dealer in Colombo, police said.

The suspects have told police that a tortoise is sold at Rs. 500 to Rs. 3,000. Foreign dealers buy each at Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000, they have told.

People of some countries believe that they prosper if they keep star tortoises at their residences.

Pallama Police OIC I.T.B. Herath initiated the raid on a tip off that Anamaduwa ASP Ashok Kumar received. IP Upali Abeyratne, Constables Abeysinghe, Ranjith, Seneviratne and Samantha carried out the raid. 

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