Maravila Group Corr. | Daily News

Maravila Group Corr.

  • STF officers inspecting the cannabis cultivation. Picture by Mihira Wijesekara, Marawila Group Corr.
    The Puttalam Police Special Task Force (STF) arrested three persons last Sunday while raiding an illegal cannabis cultivation in Kammala, Wennappuwa.The cultivation was being...
  • Seized star tortoises.
    Hundred star tortoises in packages to be exported illegally have been seized by Pallama police yesterday (21). Three suspects were also arrested, police said.Twenty six...
  • Three persons were arrested with venison and flesh of wild boar in Anamaduwa on Wednesday.Nawagaththegama Wildlife Officers arrested one person yesterday with locally made...
  • North-western University students and the Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management Department launched a tree-planting campaign recently at the Sinnapaduwa...
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